Required Athletic Forms
Athletic forms
1. EL2 Physical--sports physical
2. EL3 Parent Permission (don’t forget insurance information)
3. Cardiology Report: Electrocardiogram (ECG)\
4. Parent Permission and Responsibility Statement for Off-Campus Extra-Curricular Athletics
*****If you need to purchase insurance coverage so that your child can participate, BPS has entered into an agreement with School Insurance of Florida that offers athletic and school insurance coverage plans for all students. You can access their plans and fee schedule at their website located at School Insurance of Florida. Their toll free number is 1-800-432-6915. I encourage you to consider purchasing this reasonably priced coverage even if your child is covered by your own family health plan. It will help pay towards some of your out of pocket deductibles up to certain limits.
Who We Play For ECG Screenings around Brevard County
*EL2 (physical):
Page 1-3 are to be completed and retained by the healthcare provider and parent (does not need to be turned into the school).
Page 4 is to be completed by the Healthcare provider and parent. Requires Healthcare Professional Signature, office stame and date of exam (Required to submit to the school)
Page 5 (Supplement) is only needed if student was referred for additional evaluation, prior to full medical clearance.